@ionicboy You can do that from under the Edit section
RE: modify type of project
RE: Menu is expanded when embedded with iFrame
@Ben Sorry, there is no easy way. But the way I would do it:
- open the Virtual Tour Editor, twice on this tour
- delete the Top Menu from one
- add the Side Menu, and copy each menu entry from the Top Menu and add it to the Side Menu
RE: Menu is expanded when embedded with iFrame
@Ben That tour is using the Top Menu, that is not as feature reach as the Side Menu, and it's missing the closed option, on small screens.
Please switch the Virtual Tour to use the Side Menu, and it will work properly
RE: Arrows to change to next Image dont Lign up
Hi @Finn-Lott,
Please record a video from start to finish,
- create a new tour
- import the images
- connect them
- upload them to GoThru
Then share it with support@gothru.co and will tell you how to improve connecting images
RE: Is it possible to change the icon on Hotspot after users hover over the Hotspot?
Hi @giang3105vn
That is not an option, we have animation but not changing the icon when hover over
RE: Updating Mapbox
Hi @bgassman,
There is no other way beside deleting and adding the plugin back, that is because the information is hardcoded in the project file.
RE: GSV Tour over 40 Panoramas
@gpp some times images that have the colour of the skin, might be rejected, because it looks like a camera was put between the legs
I suppose Google got lots of sample images, to train their AI, from deranged people around the world ...
RE: GSV Tour over 40 Panoramas
@gpp No ... that pano is map rejected by Google AI. Google scans all images for inappropriate content, and the AI can flag an image as map rejected if you have a statue of a naked human body, or a part of the body, a billboard with someone that is a bit less dress, etc ...
For cases like that you need to press the "Fix Constellation" button. GoThru will apply some changes to the image and try to get it approved by Google AI. I would say that you can do that 2-3 times, and if the image does not get to be approved, you need to check the image and figure out why the AI is rejecting that image, and blur it. Then publish the tour back to Google. -
RE: GSV Tour over 40 Panoramas
Google has no limit on the number of images per level or tour. I am not sure I understand what do you mean the tour stops at pano 40 ?
As a note, when you publish to Google, it can take up to 48h's for Google to process the navigation, so you might not see all the navigation during that time.
Also, GoThru, has a debug system, that allows you to check what's on Google side. Once the tour is published, click on the "SV Info" button under "My Tours" section, if all the panoramas are green, then you just need to give Google more time to process the tour.
RE: Street Builder won't accept .GPX files?
@J360 Please place the .mp4 file and the .insv file in the same folder and make sure they are named the same.
Then open with Street Builder the .mp4 file. Street Builder will read the GPS from the .insv fileThe .gpx export option in Insta360 Studio is new and GoThru Street Builder does not work with it yet, but it knows to extract from the .insv which is similar.